Monday, October 25, 2010

Usage of open source software for schools: A case study in Hong Kong

The education software is rarely and expensive in Hong Kong.
The free online application is not stable.
Thus, we try to find out the possibility of using open source software in Hong Kong Secondary School.
Literature review:

Mobbs, R; Hawkridge, D.(2010). Utilizing open source tools for online teaching and learning. British Journal of Educational Technology. 41(3).58-65.

Chan, Man-hoi.(2004). Utilizing open source software in schools of Hong Kong. Master thesis. The University of Hong Kong.

DiBone, C., Ockman, S.,& Stone, M.(1999) Open Sources. Sebastopol:O’Reilly.

Execute research procedures
quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, including satisfaction surveys, qualitative content analysis of online discussions, and unstructured interviews

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