Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm currently working at a Secondary School. The headmaster doesn't pay a lot of attention in adopting ICT in education. However, The school have purchased an e-learning platform called "Eclass". I'll introduce the function of Eclass and how the user's attitude about Eclass.

Eclass is developed by Dr. Charles Cheung in 1998. It is an integrated web-based learning platform including: course management tool, student management tool, assessment management tool, etc. Eclass system is widely adopted by secondary school nowadays.

Usage of Eclass in my working place

The Teachers use eclass as a supplementary teaching resource as they seldom use eclass system during the class. Students are required to login to the system and do some online exercise (as their homework).  Language subject teachers will put some articles and multi-choice questions regularly on the Eclass. The system will log student's participation and result. At the end of the year, the marks will be add up and count as daily mark.

Although Eclass provides plenty of functions such as sending intra-mail, forum, calender , the  teachers seldom use them.


1. Inconvenience.
As Eclass is a web-based application, it is not as convenient as standalone software. One of the supporting staff has shared her experience: She was asked to input students' conduct grade into the system and generate the examination result sheets. After two hours working, she pressed the submit button but the browser didn't RESPONSE! The data was all missed and she was furious. She swore she wouldn't use Eclass again and use Microsoft Excel instead.

2. New to try
Many teachers didn’t want to try to use Eclass. Teachers bring their own USB memory sticks. They won’t upload the in-class teaching material on eclass because they didn’t trust the Eclass. Eclass depends on internet connection. If there is no internet connection, they cannot access their recourses. Teachers did not want to take risks so they did not use Eclass.

Tsoi Hang Sang

1 comment:

  1. My school is also equipped with eClass and seldom used by teachers except communication services - email and circular. I myself also find eClass not very good, especially after using Moodle.

    TSE Chi Kui (Andy)
