Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lesson 1 Activity: Oscar Chan


When I was a secondary school student, that was the moment that the Government start to popularize IT in education. My Pure Math teacher try to start using PowerPoint as a teaching material.  It seem she spent lot of time to add the mathematics symbol on the slides, but my classmates and I found that it is no different from using chalk and talk. We just thought it was a waste of time. At that time I started to think over the meaning of IT in education. Is it only mean that we must using IT technology instead of traditional method, or only a alternative way for teaching and learning?
Now I am a teacher, and I use PowerPoint too. But i am not using it only as a storage of notes, but as a way to attract the attention of students. So I always add a lot of beautiful pictures or multimedia on the slides but not put all my notes on it. And if I found the topic is better to present by chalk and talk, I do so.

Oscar Chan 2010/09/12


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think there should some implication behind the scene why your teacher use Powerpoint to instead of chalk and board, it is because of the education policy, you may remember when the education bureau carried out the policy, no body know what is IT education, your teacher just want to align with the policy but indeed he/she may not familiar with any IT application, but at least he/she no longer need to wash their hands after lessons.

    Kinley Chan Cho Kin
