Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Re-purposing a Web 2.0 application as a Learning Tool


Original design of the application

Audacity is a free, open source software for recording and editing sounds.

Re-purposed Audacity as a learning tool
In study the Physics of sound, we often use the wave diagram to illustrate the format. A number of properties are commonly used to define a wave. For example wavelength may be defined as the horizontal distance between two successive equivalent points on the waveform and  amplitude equates to the height of the wave; loud sounds produce waves of higher amplitude. Sometimes it is difficult for students to remember these terms. Audacity can be used as a tool for students to record the sound and then anaylse the wave pattern. Students in a group can take turn to record on the same computer. Then different tracks will be shown on the screen.
The waveform can be magnified so that students can observe in order to find the repeating pattern, compare the amplitude of different voices and find out the peaks and troughs. With the software, students can select part of the waveform and analyse it. It is easier for them to understand the different terms through this kind of experimnet.
The potential affordances of the application

In tradition, students learn this topic only through the textbook and doing experiment in the laboratory at school. With the help of the application, they can extend the learning at home. Since the software is free of charge, they can use it and record other sounds for analysis. Also, they can compare the waveform in the same window easily, even with other group mates,  as the application supports multiple tracks.

Posted by Van Chi Ho, Brian


  1. Brian, I never use this software but I have an idea, is it possible to suggest students to manipulate this software in comparing different sources of noise, students are suggested to record different sounds source e.g. bus, motorcycle, machines in construction site, crowded area and anywhere they think are being noise polluted, then use Audacity to compare the different waveforms and the degree of decibel, in this way, it not only let student know what extend noise affecting our life but also arousing their awareness on noise pollution when they comparing the different noise sources in measurable and comparable manner.

    Kinley Chan Cho Kin

  2. Kinley, that's a good idea for extending the learning of the this subject. For the students can reinforce the subject knowledge by measuring different sound source and comparing the wave form using Audacity. Moreover, the context of the activity can increase the awareness of the noise pollution in Hong Kong.

    Brian, Van Chi Ho
